
Payment Drop Box with sign requiring payment by 3:30 PM


The Village accepts payments in the form of checks, cash (limited change available), and credit cards using a third-party service (fees apply). Payments for water and/or sewer cannot be combined with other payments as the funds are deposited in different accounts. If paying by check, you may drop off your payment in the red Payment Drop Box outside the Village Hall. On the due date, the payment MUST be deposited in the red Payment Drop Box or made online by 3:30 pm. The red Payment Drop Box is emptied at 3:30 pm to ensure the payment is properly posted. Any payment after that time is considered late.


Image of a Water and/or Sewer Payment button
Click the Below Link:

Water and/or Sewer Payments


Image of a General Payment button
Click the Below Link:

All Other Payments

Image of a PV citation

This is an example of a Village of Sleepy Hollow "PV" type of citation that may be paid by clicking the below link:

PV Citation Payment

Image of a State citation

This is an example of a "State" type of citation issued by a Sleepy Hollow Officer. Please follow the directions on the envelope given to you by the officer as any payments are made to Kane County and NOT Sleepy Hollow. For your convenience, click the below link for the County Payment website:

State Citation Payment