Code Enforcement

Village Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement:

Village Code Enforcement Officer(s) patrol the village for violations of the Village Building Code, Zoning Regulations, Public Health and Safety Regulations, and Public Ways and Properties Regulations, conduct systematic exterior inspections of neighborhoods and properties on an as-needed basis, notify property owners of alleged violations, and initiate appropriate legal actions to obtain compliance.

Building Code Official:

The Village Building Code Official administers the Village Building Codes. For a permit for new construction or remodeling, for inspections, and for any question regarding building codes, contact the Village Building Code Official. The Building Code Official, together with the Code Enforcement Officer, may enforce the Village’s building regulations, notify property owners of alleged violations, and initiate legal actions to obtain compliance.

Contact the Building Code Official at:  International Codes Consultants and Inspections, Inc. (ICCI), 630-551-4224 / barbarajdettmer.icci [at] (Email ICCI)

Zoning Officer:

The Village Zoning Officer administers the Village Zoning Regulations. For any question about zoning, contact the Zoning Officer. The Zoning Officer may be assisted by the Code Enforcement Officer in the enforcement of the regulations, and either official may notify property owners of alleged violations, and initiate legal actions to obtain compliance.

Contact the Zoning Officer at: International Codes Consultants and Inspections, Inc. (ICCI), 630-551-4224 / barbarajdettmer.icci [at] (Email ICCI)


Download and use the below form to file a Code Ordinance Complaint.

Send to: Village of Sleepy Hollow. c/o Code Enforcement Unit One Throrobred Lane Sleepy Hollow, IL 60118 or Email.

Building Code and Zoning Contact Information

Building Code and Zoning
Phone: 630-551-4224
Email: barbarajdettmer.icci [at] (ICCI)

Unfortunately, this is one of the consequences of owning a home in Northern Illinois. Despite popular opinion, crews do not place snow in driveways on purpose. There is no practical way for the snowplow operator to cut off the window of snow when crossing a driveway. The problem is especially acute in cul-de-sacs because this is a very confined space. Cul-de-sacs require that all of the snow that is on the roadway within that confined space be placed along the outside of the circle. Cul-de-sacs are cleared just as the street is with the driver plowing in a counter-clockwise circle from the inside to the outside. As with driveways on streets, it is inevitable that some snow will come off the plow.

In a cul-de sac, it is extremely difficult to have the truck push the snow onto a center island. Trucks are not built to be articulated into an angle that would allow a portion of the snow on the island, and centrifugal force causes the snow to move off of the plow toward the outside of the circle.

Public Work’s goal in clearing all streets is to maintain as much of the normal pavement width as possible, while at the same time, allowing acceptable access to the mailboxes by the postal carriers.

If possible, try to wait until the cul-de-sac has been plowed before clearing your driveway.

The current Village Code does not allow the keeping of livestock. See 8-3A-3:

C.   Prohibited: The following uses shall be prohibited in the R-1 residential districts in the village:

      1.   Keeping, harboring, or raising of animals, including, but not limited to, poultry or other birds, rabbits, or other animals or livestock, and specifically including the following....

While you are welcome to attend the Board of Trustees meetings, this may not be the best forum to have a question answered. The public comment section of the meeting agenda is an opportunity to make a statement or share a concern about the Village. If you have a specific question, please contact the Trustee that is designated for the area concerning your question. For example, if your question is related to the water main replacement project, contact the Trustee responsible for Water and Sewer issues. The Trustee's area of responsibility is listed on the Elected Officials page. If you are uncertain of who to contact, call the Village Office to be directed to the correct Trustee. In many, but not all cases, the Village Office may be able to answer your question.

During the Village's snow and ice control operations, there is a potential for mailboxes to be damaged either by direct contact with Village equipment or by snow being cast by Village plows. It is essential that the Village clear the entire width of the roadway, either to the curb or road edge to enable traffic flow, drainage and access to mailboxes, as required by the U. S. Post Office. 

The Village of Sleepy Hollow will not be responsible for the repair and/or replacement of any mailbox or post unless the damage was a direct result of the Village's snow removal equipment. Damage caused by private contractors, private vehicles, accidents not involving Village equipment, or from an unknown cause will not be repaired by the Village. Notification of a broken mailbox and/or post must be provided to the Public Works Department (847-428-5636) within 10 days of damage for repair or reimbursement by the Village. The Public Works Department will examine the damage and make a determination on the extent and cause of the damage. If a minor repair can be made, it will be up to the discretion of the Public Works Department to do so or recommend the resident replace the mailbox and request  reimbursement to the extent of the materials up to a maximum of $75.00. Landscaping and planting materials added to the parkway or around mailboxes will be the sole responsibility of the property owner. These are high traffic areas subject to harsh conditions from necessary road and utility maintenance and snow and ice control operations. The Village will not reimburse the owner for damage done to landscaping placed in the right-of-way resulting from Village operations.

For the full policy, see our Mailbox Damage Policy.

Generally, the burn pile opens October 1st and closes the Friday before Halloween. For 2023, The Board of Trustees has opened the burn pile on September 29th and will close it October 27th at 2:00 PM. The pile may be closed earlier than expected if it becomes too large to be manageable. As a reminder, this is for the benefit of residents only, no commercial use or logs.

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